Monday, October 19, 2009

My weekend with my mom

So John and I are finally back from California. Our four day stay was too brief and very stressful! First, let me say my mom looked so good! I was expecting her to look alot worse. Thankfully, it was not too bad. She has lost the majority of her hair, and only a little bit of weight. Now, her arm, thats another story! The first time the nurse administerd her chemo, it was done improperly. She now has what is known as a "chemo burn" and it is a huge hole made by the chemo. She under went surgery yesterday to reapair this problem and try and close out the hole. Hopefully, she will only need this one surgery, and she can get back to her treatment by the end of this month.
I think the stress from my mom is causing my family to really stress, and go "FRODO"(crazy) on eachothers ass!! My aunt and sister totally got into it while I was there!! Fighting began, words were exchanged, and Jenny and my aunt threw down!! I don't know what really happend! Jenny says it one way, and my aunt says another. I choose to stand by Jenny, and my mother chose to stand by my aunt! Whatever happend caused for an extremely uncomfortable visit. All this caused my aunt and grandma to pack up and leave. They took a much neede trip five hours north of LA, to see my Uncle David. I was furious that they left!! John, baby and I travel all this way to see my mom; but, also we want to see them!! Oh, well!! Them leaving actually gave us some good family time as well. My last day there and all us kids just chilled with my mom! My aunt and and grams thought they were hurting us by leaving; but, really we enjoyed our time together. But, I am extremely hurt! I hope they can both set aside there differences and make it work for my mom!
Now, I must tell you about my flight going and coming!! I had John and baby!! John is a stubborn man!! When he gets tired or fed up, he WILL let you know. So we take off to Phoenix and its a two hour flight. For the first hour and a half, I had a screaming baby in my hands, a very upset John to the right of me, and an extremely unhappy fat man to my left! Eli was AWFUL!! I could not get him to stop crying! It was so bad! Lucky for him the windows were double paned! I wanted to throw him out! I joke!! But, all two hundred other passengers were not!! While all this was taking place, I had John, telling me and the baby to hush,be quiet boy, and shut up! I cant get too mad, he was only saying what we were all thinking!! Then Eli proceeds to take Johns cup, full of water and splash me, John, and fat man! Whoopsie!! Sorry, is all I could say!! It was kind of funny, but not at that moment! Thankfully, the ride home was much smoother. I dread December for when we go back! I think I just may drive! My mom wants her van, and then we could fly back! Just one plane trip and not two!! Sounds like a plan!!

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